Chiropractic is Essential


Chiropractic care is considered an essential business in the state of Missouri. Why? We don’t administer vaccines or prescribe medicine. We just “pop” your back, don’t we? Not quite!

As portal-of-entry healthcare providers, doctors of chiropractic are educated and licensed to diagnose, treat, and co-manage patients.  We are trained to refer patients to other healthcare providers when necessary. In a healthcare system being stretched to its limit, chiropractors are a valuable resource to tap for additional patient support.

Chiropractors provide essential care including, but not limited to, managing acute and urgent musculoskeletal conditions (muscles, bones, ligaments, tendons, and nerves.) Our services are critical for managing cases that otherwise could end up in emergency rooms, which are currently overwhelmed and should be avoided when possible.  

Chiropractic services also keep in place healthcare providers, first responders and others who have physically strenuous jobs that support critical infrastructure, such as truck drivers who continue to ensure that America’s healthcare and food supplies get to where they are needed during the COVID-19 pandemic.

As we provide this essential support, chiropractors share the public health responsibility of “flattening the curve” by slowing the transmission of COVID-19. As we continue to respond to the ever-changing environment around COVID-19, the safety of our patients, myself and my family continues to be our highest priority. We are exercising strict hygienic practices at every point of patient contact and continue to keep up to date with prevention recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). We continue to monitor state and local health authorities so that we may comply with any relevant guidance or mandates.

You may continue to follow our COVID-19 updates at for any changes in hours or operation practices. I know that many will continue to have healthcare needs that can be helped through chiropractic care, and we feel a responsibility and commitment to our patients and we are here for you! (Is it corny to say we’ve got your back?)

-Dr. Andrew Haeker, D.C.

Love the Spine You’re With

This Valentine’s day, I have one wish for you: love your spine! Follow these 4 tips to learn how to show your spine some love and improve your overall health and well-being:

1. Correct your posture.

Poor posture puts a huge amount of stress on your body. Every time you hunch over, slouch or sit in an awkward position, you may be deteriorating your spine’s health, impacting mobility, reducing flexibility and causing pain.

With a bit of practice, good posture will quickly become second nature. Show love to your spine by keeping it neutral and allowing it to maintain its natural curves. Keep your shoulders relaxed and back, distribute weight on both feet evenly and hold your chin parallel to the floor.

2. Lift responsibly.

Lifting heavy objects can have a significant effect on your back. When lifting, bend at your knees and maintain an upright position. Keep your back straight and the object you are lifting close to your body to reduce strain.

3. Get active and stay active!

One of the best ways you can show love to your spine and your whole body is to use it! Exercise keeps your spine strong and flexible, and movement is medicine.

Ease into an exercise routine if you aren’t used to getting physical activity. I am always happy to recommend ways to start in a healthy and safe manner.

If you spend your days sitting behind a desk, get creative when thinking about ways to increase your activity. Take a quick walk around the office once an hour, tackle the stairs instead of using the elevator and get off the train one stop before your normal one to get in extra steps.

4. Make an appointment with your chiropractor!

For your convenience, we offer same-day and walk-in appointments. If you prefer to schedule an appointment in advance, call us anytime at 816-273-5104 or visit to schedule an appointment 24/7.


Should I Go To The Chiropractor When I’m Not In Pain?

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“Why do I need to come to the chiropractor when I’m not in pain?”

“Why should I continue going to the chiropractor after I’m pain free?”

I hear those questions a lot in my office.

You may associate pain as the only reason to go to the chiropractor. While chiropractors can help with pain relief, there is more involved than just that.

How does a chiropractic adjustment work?

An adjustment is about restoring proper function to your central nervous system. Your nervous system is made up of your brain and spinal cord. Your brain is the central control station of our bodies. It sends a signal down the spinal cord to the nerves that go to every organ, muscle, structure in the body.

Our spine is made up of 24 individually movable bones called vertebrae. At each level, there are nerves that exit and send sensory and motor signals to our organs, arms, legs, and even our skin. If one of those vertebrae isn’t moving as much as it should, it’s not going to allow the nerve to send the appropriate signal to its full capacity.

Think of your nerves as a wire in your car, when that wire is pinched or shorted out the car won’t operate correctly. The nerves work the same way in your body! If the vertebrae are not moving the way they are supposed to then they can cause pressure on the nerves exiting between them and causing pain or problems down the line. Restrictions in the lower neck vertebrae (cervical vertebrae) can cause pain and numbness down the arm and into your fingers. If that nerve is in your lower back (lumbar vertebrae), it could cause low back pain or can cause pain down the leg, which is known as sciatica.

Chiropractors find out where those restricted vertebrae are not moving correctly. Then, we apply a gentle force to help restore proper motion to that restricted segment or segments. This fixes the “pinched nerve.” Many times, when we do this, you experience pain relief because that nerve is now functioning correctly. So when the nerve is working better, you feel better.

So why is getting a maintenance adjustment important?

Often you can have vertebrae that aren’t moving like they are supposed to, but you may not be experiencing pain symptoms. That’s why it is essential to get checked on a maintenance schedule! A maintenance adjustment keeps the vertebrae moving like they are supposed to. If a vertebra is not moving for some time, the body starts to see that level as unstable. In response, your body subconsciously tries to “fix it.”

​Again, think about maintenance on your car. Why do you perform regular maintenance on your car? Why do you regularly have the fluids changed, rotate the tires, and have inspections? You do this to prevent a problem down the road, or to catch a small problem before it becomes a much bigger and worse problem!

​Chiropractic maintenance adjustments are just like regular maintenance on your car. At first a small vertebral restriction might not cause any noticeable pain or problem, but the body knows it’s there and will try to correct it! A simple restriction in the low back may not cause any pain or just minimal discomfort, but as the body tries to correct or compensate for the restriction muscles can become tighter, bone spurs can start to form, and vertebral disk can deform and flatten! Eventually these changes will cause the pain and worse problems that typically make people seek chiropractic care! Just like if you don’t rotate the tires on your car they will start to wear unevenly and force you to buy tires sooner than you would have if you had performed the regular maintenance. 


Who should get a maintenance adjustment?

A maintenance adjustment is a good idea for everyone- women, men, and children. We can all benefit from a regular chiropractic maintenance adjustment. Even though you are not in pain, your body may still need an alignment. 

How often do I need a maintenance adjustment?

This answer is going to be different for everyone, as we all have varying ages, level of mobility, etc. The current research states you should get a maintenance adjustment once every 3-6 weeks. I tell my patients once a month on average. I also encourage my patients to get massages. So, I suggest they get adjusted once a month and get a massage once a month.

Massages have numerous benefits, including helping to remove trigger points, relax muscles, and help restore the proper flow of your lymphatic system.

Your body’s lymphatic system is like a recycling plant for all the toxins that build up in your body. So, it’s essential to flush those toxins out of your body. Many times, the patient will opt to get both a massage and adjustment on the same day as they work hand in hand (pun intended).

Do you have questions about whether you should go to a chiropractor for a maintenance adjustment? Let us know in the comments!